Retro Robbins In Micro Blitz ============================ STORY Retro Robbins, our 8-bit superhero and part-time fearless assassin, is on an urgent mission. Armed with his trusty flat-cap and insatiable appetite for all things retro, he must now frantically search for new and interesting items to make his next YouTube channel the best! As luck would have it, everyone at Crash Towers has gone away on holiday, giving him the chance to sneak in and use his ninja-like skills to nab as many retro gems as possible! CONTROLS This is a one-player game controlled by Kempston or Sinclair joystick and keyboard. KEYBOARD CONTROLS Q Climb Up or Enter Doors A Climb Down or Activate Flat Cap O Move Left P Move Right M Jump Install instructions Loading: Once you have downloaded your file below you will be able to play your games using an Zx Spectrum emulator like FUSE which is free to download on your PC or other devices. The Game will run on real Zx Spectrum Hardware. Runs on 48k and 128k machines and you will need 128k machine selected to have fantastic AY music. TIPS To hide under your trusty flat-cap and keep hidden and safe (Press the DOWN Key or DOWN DIRECTION on your Joystick). Pulling levers will disable barriers. The top of the screen shows how many times you've been Busted, how many Micro items you've Blitzed and how many are left to collect. The music changes and the border will flash when all 15 objects have been collected signaling your hasty retreat out of the building using the ESCAPE EXIT. If you get busted to many times you will get thrown into Crash Towers Dungeons!! CREDITS Game, Code & GFX Lee Chops Stevenson Loading Screen Lee Chops Stevenson AY music Pedro Pimenta Beeper Music Rich Hollins Cover Artwork Anthony Scarfe