Golden Axe

by David Shea, Jason Green, Sound Images, Dermot Power
Virgin Games Ltd
Crash Issue 84, Jan 1991   page(s) 72

Virgin Games

Death Adder is to happy families what Nicko is to Metros - absolutely lethal! There's nothing he likes so much as knocking on people's doors, introducing himself, then lopping off some heads. His latest deed of unabashed badness is stealing the fabulous Golden Axe which, for centuries, gave power to the land of Yuria. Now Yuria is crawling with Death Adders evil henchmen!

Three brave people have decided enough is enough and you take your pick or which to control (a second player can also join in the fun). Axe Battler is a muscle-bound barbarian whose favourite weapon is a hefty broadsword. Gilius Thunderhead is a feisty dwarf who carries a massive axe: he's quick on his feet and has a pulverising headbutt. Tyris Flare's favourite move is a shoulder block and she carries a sword just like the barbarian.

Each have been blessed with magic powers: Gilius commands lightning, Tyris fìrestorms and Battler explosions. All these can only be activated by getting potions from imps who run across the screen at bonus stages. Each time you hit one you get a potion, increasing the power of your magic when used. Imps also drop food to restore energy.

Each of the main :characters has a staggering number of moves, including two walking speeds (push right twice in run), piledrivers where you leap up to make lethal downchoppinq blows, kicks and so on. There's also two types of dragon to ride on, one breathes fire while the other spits lethal energy. They're also fast, can make crunching headbutts and disappear after just two hits! The game pits you against ogres with spiked clubs, amazon women, axemen, skeletons and hulking end-of-level baddies such as Sumos and ultimately the Death Adder himself. Each opponent takes a different number of hits to completely destroy and the more powerful the blows, the quicker the enemies fall.

Golden Axe is incredibly fast, the characters zip around the screen like nobody's business! The characters and backdrops are very colourful, but tend to be a bit on the garish side. Most of the combat moves from coin-op have been included and they're needed because when you're faced with three or four bad guys on screen at once you need to be mobile and vicious! I liked the arcade version and this is a good conversion of a very playable hack and slash game!

MARK [85%]

Golden Axe is another beat-'em-up in the same style as Renegade, or practically any ninja game. What makes this different is the choice of characters you have and the abundance of colour in every level. You can choose between three characters and they all seem to possess the same fighting skills. Detail in the graphics is a little lacking: a large red blob stuck to the back of the girlie hero is not what I'd call a good hair-do! Golden Axe is an OK beat-'em-up, but best suited to those who know the coin-op.
NICK [68%]

Presentation: 80%
Graphics: 70%
Sound: 75%
Playability: 72%
Addictivity: 71%
Overall: 76%

Summary: Fans of the arcade original will enjoy playing this more than the uninitiated.

Transcript by Chris Bourne

Your Sinclair Issue 61, Jan 1991   page(s) 16

£9.99 cass/£14.99 disk
Reviewer: Linda Barker

Please can I have a dragon? (No. Ed) just a little one - I could keep it under my desk. It wouldn't be any trouble, honest. (Sorry, Linda, you can't have one.) But I could take it to the park in my lunch hour and train it to drink coffee from the machine. And it'd keep the office warm in winter. (Look, Linda, it just wouldn't fit.) But I only want a little one.

Oh, okay. I guess I'll make do with this game for the time being. It's got loads of dragons in it, and a dwarf and lovely little blue elves too. Yep, riding dragons and killing people - that's the life for me.

For the handful of you who don't know, GoldenAxe is Virgin's big Christmas coin-op conversion, a highly colourful two player D&D style beat-'em-up. The arcade original was as playable as, erm, a very playable thing, and the Speccy version is remarkably similar - it has all five horizontally-scrolling levels of the arcader (packed with oodles of baddies), between-level maps outlining your route, and (most impressively) bags of smoothly animated colour. Most of it is set in front of a plain black background which saves on attribute clash - the only time things get hard to see is when you're surrounded by badies, when it's a bit of a jumble.

But before we get into the game there's a bit of a complicated plot to explain, I'm afraid. You see, Death Adder and his men have pillaged their way through the kingdom of Yuria (as bad guys do), taking the King and Princess captive. What's more, DA has also got his slimy reptilian mitts on the legendary Golden Axe. It is up to you to... ah, but I'm sure you can guess the rest.

Before we can get stuck into the fighting though you've got to ch your character. You too can be a barbaric warrior, a flame-haired amazon or a bouncing dwarf, each with a suitably revenge-filled reason for wanting DA dead. All three can manage a handful of fighting moves - slashes, kicks, jabs, and a jump-in-the-air-and-stab-the-rotter-in-the-head-on-the-way-down one, the computer picking the attack it uses each time you press Fire. Beyond that, all the characters have their own individual moves - a shoulder barge for the barbarian, a flying kick for the girlie - and limited magical powers for those tricky moments. These work as sort of smart bombs, wiping out the less powerful baddies on-screen, and knocking wodges of energy off the others. How powerful they are depends on how many bottles of potion you've collected from these rather sweet little blue goblins who run around every now and then, most noticeably in the little bonus bits between levels. Clout one round the head and he'll drop a couple of bottles. Collect them and whammo! Your magic's no longer a weedy series of bangs popping across the screen, but a massive, baddy-crippling explosion of nuclear proportions.

But let's get on with the game, shall we? The screen won't scroll 'til you've killed off the first lot of baddies, which actually takes some getting to grips with, before developing into a sort of forest affair. What you really want to do is snatch the first opportunity to get yourself a dragon - knock a baddie off one, clamber onto the hot seat and you effectively double (if not triple) your slashing power. Dragons come in various sorts - some flame breathing, some odd chicken-like ones which hit things with their tails - but they're all super-useful to have, especially when taking on the big end-of-level baddies. Watch out though the baddies will want their mount back!

At the end of each level big baddies come in two sorts - big white men with swords, and big green and yellow men with hammers - and various combinations. Kill them (it is possible) and you'll get to the next level, which in this case is the Turtle Village (so called because it's built onto the back of a giant turtle, though that's not apparent in the Speccy version). Here you'll take on some really mean chicks with lethal lightning-shaped swords before crossing a bridge to Level Three and Eagle Island (perched on a giant eagle's back) which is populated with Jason And The Argonauts-style skeletons. Eventually you'll get to a castle and your final showdown with slimey old Death Adder himself. Kill him and wa-hey! You're a complete and utter hero.

You can now sit back, breathe freely and think - wow, what a good game. I know I did. I have no massive niggles with this one at all - it's a painful multiloa, the colour clash can be a bit ugly and, despite being bags of fun, the two-player option would be better if the heroes could fight each other (as in the arcade) - but considering the limitations of the Speccy it's great. Plus there are loads of dragons and elves in it. What more could a girl possibly ask for?

Life Expectancy: 85%
Instant Appeal: 91%
Graphics: 90%
Addictiveness: 93%
Overall: 91%

Summary: Brilliant beat-'em-up with loads of characters, colour and nice little touches. The best of its kind all year.

Award: Your Sinclair Megagame

Transcript by Chris Bourne

Your Sinclair Issue 77, May 1992   page(s) 59


And now, the moment a number of you have been waiting for. It's remarkable, it's resplendent, it's Replay!

£3.99 cassette
081 960 2255
Reviewer: Stuart Campbell

One of the most celebrated arcade games ever, Golden Axe is a fascinating and deeply involving strategy epic where careful thought and forward planning are the order of the day. Ha! April Fool! (But Stuart, this is May. You've missed the April issue - Ed) Ah. Okay, so it's a beat-'em-up. You play one of three intelligent and considerate characters by the names of Ax-Battler The Barbarian, Gillius Thunderhead The Dwarf, and Tyris Flare The Amazon. All three have a grudge of some sort to bear against an unpleasant and unhygienic fellow with a huge body and a tiny head calling himself Death Adder. (He stole Ax-Battlers rattle as a child, ran over Tyris' favourite pet flea and called Gillius a smelly midget in front of his granny, or something like that.)

Righteously incensed, the three of them (well, one or two of them, depending on whether you're playing the game yourself or with a friend) set out to right these wrongs by, er, killing everyone in sight. In game terms this means you walk along the screen for a bit until a couple of bad guys appear, walk up to them and hit the fire button repeatedly for a couple of hours until they die, then walk along a little bit further and do it all over again. Sounds tedious? Well, it isn't! Actually that's a lie. It's all hopelessly dull, and not helped by the fact that hitting the baddies seems to be completely a matter of luck. You can be standing there hammering away on the fire button quite happily, when for no apparent reason your character suddenly leaps backwards and lies on the ground for a while flashing on and off in a slightly disconcerting manner. Eventually, you realise you've been hit, but it doesn't help much as there doesn't seem to be anything you can do to stop it happening again. You just have to keep charging in there and flailing away and hoping for the best. If you're lucky, you'll keep killing the baddies and you'll get to travel a little further through the levels, admiring the, er, interesting scenery as you go. Well, it's interesting it you like black, anyway.

If I sound a bit grumpy about all this, there's a very good reason for it. I am. Golden Axe is the sort of thing which passes for arcade entertainment these days - all pretty graphics and no gameplay substance whatsoever. While this is absolutely fine for dedicated coin-ops with thousands of pounds worth of flashy graphics hardware, it simply doesn't cut it on the Speccy. Our beloved machine is on a hiding to nothing when it comes to the pretty pictures, which shows the shallowness of the gameplay up for what it is - repetitive and boring. Speccy owners also have to put up with an unhelpful multi-load system (even on 128), which puts the final nail in the coffin as far as addictiveness is concerned. Really, forget about the name, this is twice as cheap 'n' nasty as the dullest original budget game - give it the widest berth you can muster.

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Overall: 30%

Transcript by Chris Bourne

Sinclair User Issue 106, Dec 1990   page(s) 71

Label: Virgin
Price: £9.99/£14.99
Reviewer: Garth Sumpter

Who's the meanest, most feared and despised being in the Universe then? Paul Daniels? No. Margaret Thatcher? Not even close. It's actually Death Adder the parliamentary candidate for Yuria. And why's that? It's because he's gone and kidnapped the King of Yuria and his daughter and looks as if he could be heading for a landslide victory at the election. If he even bothers to have one!

This is where you come in. You must get to Death Adder who's campaign headquarters are located deep within his castle and his whole army of goblins, skeletons, black nights, ogres and giant swordsmen stand in the way of you casting the final vote against Death Adder in Virgin's latest release Golden Axe. Hey, the price of democracy these days!

Golden Axe from Sega was possibly one of the best coin ops of the last two years which has seen licensed conversions made to the Master System and MegaDrive where it is currently the official number one game. It will soon be making it's way from consoles to computers with the sixteen and eight bit launch just around the corner. Therefore it is annoying that with the level of success that the game has attained, that the Spectrum version falls short of fulfilling its full potential.

It is a faithful reproduction of the coin op though, with up to two players selecting one of three characters; Ax=Battler the barbarian, Gillius=Thunderhead the head butting dwarf and Thyris=Flare, the high-kicking woman fighter.

Each of these colourful characters has limited proficiency with magic. You must collect potions as you go by kicking in the annoying little pixies to make them drop the bottles. You can even pick up food on occasion and gain back lost energy.

You must fight your way through various load-in levels to confront the dreaded Death. Along the way you can even knock goblins off their dragon mounts and ride them yourself.

All sounds pretty good eh? It's a crying shame about the graphics and the gameplay though. The speed of play is very fast - faster than the original product on either arcade or Megadrive, and this makes precise control difficult and the masks used for the characters, stand out against some backgrounds.

If it wasn't for the fact that Golden Axe is such a brilliant arcade game, there would be little criticism to make on what is a good representation of the game. Unfortunately, when the gameplay's difficulty is this noticable, there has to be losses. Golden Axe is one such disappointment.

Graphics: 61%
Sound: 74%
Playability: 67%
Lastability: 79%
Overall: 71%

Summary: An average conversion of a superlative coin-op that is marred by tricky control.

Transcript by Chris Bourne

C&VG (Computer & Video Games) Issue 111, Feb 1991   page(s) 64

Spectrum/Amstrad £9.99, Amiga £24.99

Well, hack my legs off and scorch me brains, Golden Axe marauds its way onto the Amiga. Spectrum and Amstrad! The ST version (reviewed last ish) was pretty good, but was marred by a rather annoying disk loader, and a postbox display (the bottom half of the screen being cut to bits by the stats panel). The Amiga version suffers only from a similar loading system, which means the action stops every so often to load the next bit in, but has lovely full screen graphics (all of which are excellently drawn and animated), and the sound (sampled from the Megadrive version, I might add!) is all there, too. The playability is just as good as the coin-op's, which makes Amiga Golden Axe a cracking conversion and a must for your collection. The Spectrum and Amstrad versions, however, fall into the realms of averageness, with some reasonable graphics and sound, but the gameplay is screwed up by some strange controls. Take a look, but don't expect too much.

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Overall: 65%

Summary: The graphics are a bit dodgy in places, but the strange controls make this a tad uncomfortable to play.

Transcript by Chris Bourne

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